Xander M. Grant

Voice Actor

Just a guy
trying to cure his boredom.


Whether it's a manic best friend, full voiced older brother, classy bad guy, or something beyond, I'm here to get the part filled and do so well!

Based in Austin, TX. Xander has been working in the voiceover field 2017. Expressing his love of vocal performance in the projects he's been blessed to be included in from radio drama to animation to video games and beyond.


Home Studio Specifications

Microphone: Audio-Technica AT2035DAW: Adobe AuditionInterface: Focusrite Scarlett SoloHeadphone: Sennheiser HD 280 ProConnectivity: Zoom, Discord, etc.


Lainie Fraiser - “Build Character”Lainie Fraiser - “Voices in My Head”

Previous Roles

Lysander (House on Limbo Lane)Lorenzo (Proud Blossoms)Eden (Project Blue)Viriam (Lord of the Wings)Additional Voices (The Technomancy Project)Evan Eckleburg (The Penrose Protocol)Ryoichi Chiba (Fleeting Memories Last A Snowflake)Marathon (Through This Winter)Carl Ross (FanScape - A FanFiction Podcast)Azrael (Alux Rising)Nathan Jansor (At the Door)Maxwell Henderson (The Key to Immortality)Casey Pine (Pursuit of Orlinia)Taller Rat (Chadwin's Hammy Finale)Bumper Announcer (PUCL Podcast)Jones (In the Flesh)


[email protected]



